Signedlabel, top center: FARBENFABRIKEN / VORM. / FRIEDR. BAYER & Co / ELBERFELD.
stamp on lid: FARBENFABRIKEN VORM FR. BAYER & Co. ELBERFELD. Registered Trademark
Inscribedlabel, center: Acid Violet 7BN;
label, bottom right: Germany.;
label near base of bottle: 0946
FunctionFor use in dyeing textiles.
Friedrich Bayer & Co. was founded by Friedrich Bayer in 1863. In 1881 the company became public and had its name registered as "Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co." An in-depth reference on dyes and dyeing, entitled "Dyeing" can be found in the CHSI's 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. 8, pp. 743-754.
Related WorksEncyclopedia Britannica, 1911 edition, s.v. "Dyeing."
A history of the development of sythetic dyestuffs in the late 19th Century can be found in A.S. Travis, The Rainbow Makers . London, Assoc. University Presses, 1993.