unknown, part of an electrified instrument
Date: late 19th-mid 20th Century
Inventory Number: 1997-1-0375
Classification: Unknown
Dimensions:44 × 20 × 29.6 cm (17 5/16 × 7 7/8 × 11 5/8 in.)
A part of an electrical device, whose function is unknown. The device consists of an L-shaped wooden shelf or support, with a pair of metal hanging brackets mounted on the top of the backboard. A pair of wooden planks is mounted in a T-shaped configuration on the shelf and attached to the backboard. Along one side of the shelf are two pairs of brass binding posts, with knurled edge adjustment screws. The posts are connected by electrical wire. Along the top edge of the T-Shaped assembly are another pair of similar binding posts.
The entire device, except for the binding posts, is painted black.