chemistry chart: tableau synoptique des principaux instruments de chimie
Date: 1830-1860
Inventory Number: 1998-1-1446
Classification: Chart
Dimensions:0.1 x 72 x 55 cm (1/16 x 28 3/8 x 21 5/8 in.)
in container: 0.2 x 92 x 61.5 cm (1/16 x 36 1/4 x 24 3/16 in.)
DescriptionThis is a chart illustrating the principle instruments associated with chemistry through image and text. The chart is divided into six principle boxes that are rectangular in shape as follows:
The top box contains a table of the elements divided into metalloids (non-metals), and metals. Each element is accompanied by its main properties and uses in chemistry, except the righmost column which lists rarer metals.
The second box down contains illustrations of instruments for chemical manipulation, specifically solution, filtration, distillation, and pulverization. The third box down contains instruments for pneumatic chemistry, the production and holding of gases, such as tubes, bell jars, and the like. The fourth box down contains illustrations for chemical analysis--mineral analysis (blowpipes), eudiometry, chlorometric experiments, and organic chemistry. The fifth box contains laboratory furnaces and apparatus used in industrial chemistry and mining. The sixth box (without illustrations) contains definitions of various terms used in chemistry.
The French text describes the function of each instrument and its parts.