rectangular ivory diptych sundial
Date: 1622
Inventory Number: 7552
Classification: Sundial
Dimensions:closed: 1.6 x 7.6 x 11.6 cm (5/8 x 3 x 4 9/16 in.)
DescriptionFaded black, red, and green coloring. Tablet II is beveled lengthwise along edges. Compass viewing-hole in I, slot for wind vane in side of ll. Brass plate clasp on I, hanging loop, one bun foot on I and four feet on II. Compass needle intact, glass and metal ring missing.
la Wind rose with 32 points, numbered 1-32 beginning at east, 16 directions labeled or abbreviated in German, wind vane missing. Foliate decoration.
lb Pin gnomon dial (gnomon missing) labeled "DIE TAG IENG" [length of the day] and 16-8 and 8-16 in red numerals, labeled "DIE PLANETEN STVND" [planetary hours] and 1-12 in black numerals, and marked with zodiacal symbols. Holes for string gnomon labeled 42°, 45 °, 48°, 51 °, and 54°. Latitude table (42°-54°) for 26 European cities, marked alternately in red and black. Green leaves.
Ila Horizontal dial with five scales for latitudes 42° (inner), 45°, 48°, 51°, and 54° (outer), labeled 4-12-8 in black numerals in outermost scale. Pin gnomon dial for Italian hours (labeled 9-23 in red numerals) and Babylonian hours (labeled 1-15 in black numerals). Maker's mark (hunting horn) appears in compass bowl, partially worn away. Hole at bottom of compass bowl. Surface of compass bowl badly defaced: only "OCCI'' is readable. Magnetic declination 5° east of north. Green and brown foliate decoration. Signed "CONRAD KARNER" at bottom.
llb Standard German lunar volvelle with a stamped brass rotating disc (2.4 cm) with index. Scales labeled 1-12 twice (inner and middle) and 1-29 (outer). Man-in-the-moon motif on volvelle. Epact scales (beginning with 23 and 13, respectively, for the year 1608) around volvelle, labeled "EPACTA IVLIANI ANNO 1622" [Julian epacts, year 1622] and "EPACTA CRECORI ANNO" (Gregorian epacts, year]. Foliate decoration. Numbered 168 twice near hinge.