Silver oval dial plate with compass at one end. Bird gnomon for latitudes 40 to 60.
Three hour scales for latitudes 40, 45, 50 degrees are numbered: Arabic, Arabic, Roman.
Wind rose with 4 cardinal points: "M, OC, S, OR." Compass rose with "M" pointing to North.
The underside of the dial plate is engraved with the names and latitudes (in degrees) of 20 European towns. Decorative engraving on the back of the compass bowl.
Punch mark (hallmark?): Fleur-de-lys in a diamond? on the back and to the right of the compass bowl. Note: See Tardy, p. 124, for charge mark of Paris, 1684-1687.
Octagonal brown leather case lined with blue cloth. shaped with indentations for foot and compass. leather and cloth form hinge. Single hook at opposite side.