box of science posters
Date: 1920-1940
Inventory Number: 1998-1-1201
Classification: Poster
communications, physics, optics, electrostatics, heat, print material, electricity, weights & measures, pneumatics, education, motors, hydraulics, Dimensions:each print: 0.1 x 92.2 x 61.5 cm (1/16 x 36 5/16 x 24 3/16 in.)
box: 4.4 x 97 x 65.6 cm (1 3/4 x 38 3/16 x 25 13/16 in.)
DescriptionThis is a series of educational science prints, drawn with various colors of ink on paper, and often textual captions are included to explain the visual components. There is an explanatory sheet of what is included in this series at the beginning [not photographed], and a key to one of the charts. These schematically rendered posters, with the first one being the only exception, are actually diagrams of the names on the list. All the posters are the exact same size.
List of Illustrations:
*1: Average Pressure & Temp In Summer At Lat. 45 degrees
*2: Rotary Vacuum Pump
*3: Hydraulic Ram
*4: Pump
*5: Phonodeik
*6: Millikan's Oil-Drop Experiment
*7: Wimshurst Static Machine
*8: Spherical/ Chromatic Aberration
*9: Convergent& Divergent Lenses
*10: Mc Leod Gage
*11: Adhesive Force/Cohesive Force
*12: Diagram used in Proof of Lens Equation
*13: Sizes of Object A-B and of its Real Image A-B
*14: Chart of Significant Figures
*15: Action of Converging Lens on Plane Wave Front
*16: Diffusion Pump
*17: Temperature Range (Interior--Hot Stars to Lowest Attained)
*18: Changes in Volume of H20, From 0 degrees C to 10 degrees C
*19: Changes of Gas Pressure with Temperature
*20: Junker's Continuous-Flow Calorimeter
*21: Isothermal Curves for CO2
*22: Lummer-Brodein Photometer Head
*23: Weston Standard Cell.