Marc François Louis Secretan
1804 - 1867
Marc François Louis Secretan (1804-1867) was a professor of astronomy at Lausanne. He worked with Noël-Marie-Paymal Lerebours in Paris from 1845 to 1855, and this firm was known as Lerebours et Secretan. After Lerebours death, Secretan worked on his own and signed himself as "Maison Lerebours et Secretan / Secretan, Successeur" and as "Opticien de S.A.M. l'Empereur." He also did work for the Paris observatory.
Marc Secretan was in business largely on his own from 1855-1867, but he was probably joined by his son, Auguste Secretan (1833-1874) and nephew, Georges Secretan (1837-1906 ) during this time. Auguste took over running the business when Marc died. He was succeeded in 1874 by his cousin, Georges. George in turn left the business to Paul Victor Secretan around 1900. All worked under the name of Secretan.
Paolo Brenni, "Paolo Brenni, "19-Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. III: Lerebours et Secretan," Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 40 (1994): 3-6.